January 3, 2013

  • Nobody loves me like you do

    Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.

    People change, friends leave and life doesn’t stop for anybody”

    To truly love someone, is to always put their feelings before your own…no matter what.”

    "Life has taught us that love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. "

    Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.

    "Eventually one of two things will happen; he’ll realize you’re worth it, or you’ll realize he wasn’t"

    "Love is just a simple word. Until you find someone who give you it's definition."

    Hey Y'all. How was everyone's New Years? Do anything fun?

    Mine was okay. I went to see my BF and we went out to dinner. I didnt feel really good but he wanted to go over his friends. I made it clear I didn't want to because I felt really sick but..he didn't seem to take that into consideration and we went over there anyways. So..I was pretty moody towards him all night. I ended up having a good time..apart from him.

    So the next day I felt bad for being such a brat (even tho I was still a little pissed) and so we both had the day off and I wanted to see him to make up for the night before. But..apparently he had "things to do" and didn't want to do anything. So..I hung out with my parents. And again yesterday, didn't seem to want to do anything either. I guess It's just frustrating because I feel like I am clingy and annoy him.

    I just find it odd that we can't see each other 2 days in a row. He seems to like to space out our time together. I just figured after being with each other a year and a half, it wouldn't be weird to want to spend time around each other often. He's said plenty of times how he wishes I would move in with him but to be honest, I wouldn't feel welcome to. i feel like I would crowd him.

    Okay I know I am venting a lot but..I'm not finished. It was my birthday last Thursday and we went out to dinner with my family. He didn't offer to pay for me, which is fine but..he didnt get me anything, which again..if it's a money issue, thats fine. But..he didnt even get me a freaking card. Everyone who came had at least a card for me but not my own boyfriend. I bought him a $125 flying lesson for his birthday and I got nothing. Maybe Im being stupid and greedy but..it's like I dont NEED something, but to just not even say anything about it is weird. I would have been happy with a card, or some flowers. Maybe I am asking too much..I dont know. 


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