August 27, 2012

  • I’m passing over you like a satellite

    “It’s well and fine to flirt with disaster, as long as you just remember not to fall into bed with it.”

    Loving people means giving them the freedom; whom they choose to be and where they choose to go. Loving someone means giving them the freedom to find their way, whether it leads towards you or away from you.

    “Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it.”

    I’m a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you.

    Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take is the worst of suffering.

    “The moment you know you don’t need a man to make everything in your life complete is the same moment that God says “it’s time to meet him.”

    Don’t let anyone ever promise you that they won’t ever hurt you because at one time or another, it’ll happen. The real promise is if the time you spent together will be worth the pain in the end.

    Her eyes don’t light up when she hears your name anymore. She doesn’t get chills when you walk by and her heart doesn’t race when you smile at her. You don’t get her like you used to. You’re just a bad memory in the back of her mind. So don’t be surprised next time you make your way past her and she doesn’t even glance your way. And don’t bother trying to talk to her, you won’t get a response. She’s over fighting the same losing battle. The saddest part is you have no one to blame but yourself. She gave you every chance you could ask for. And you fucked up everytime. Now she walks around with nothing but a smile on her face, and she laughs louder than ever before. 
    Looks like you’ve lost her bro.

    Never regret the past…. at one time you thought it had a bright future.

    Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

    Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped loving them or we’ve stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you.

    “Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle; rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.”

    Hey loves! I hope everyone had a good weekend! I had a pretty good one. The piano bar was really fun. I’m finally starting to become better friends with my BF’s old roommates and his wife and her friends. We went to this Etsy craft fair before going out, just us girls, and it was really fun! I felt really sick all of Friday night though, It was weird. i think I was having really low blood pressure from my medicine.

    So..I need some advice. Right now, Im only at the college Im attending to get my AA so I can transfer somewhere. But no schools around here have what I want. My best friend in the whole entire world, who is like my soul mate in a non romantic way, is going to this amazing school in Ohio that has everything I want. We want to study the same thing as well and it would just be perfect.

    The problem is my boyfriend. He wants to move somewhere too but he didn’t seem that keen on Ohio..and why should he..there isn’t anything there he wants. So what do I do? I applied just to see I do what is best for my education or do I settle possibly somewhere else to be near him? 

    Help =(


Comments (25)

  • Thats a tough one. If you know that you can make a long distance relationship work and you two are secure in what you want for your future together i would say go. your living your life and its hard but ultimately you have to do whats best for you. if the school in Ohio has everything you want/need and you cant find that anywhere else – i would go.

    if your boyfriend understands how much you want to go he will be ok with it. if anything – you go there to get your degree then once you have it you move wherever needed to be close to your boyfriend.

    jonathan transferred to a school an hour away from me to be close to me even though he doesnt really like the school (he likes it more now though) once he is done with his last two years (this and next) hes moving back to canada. i’ll still be in america for another year finishing up my college career. once im graduated im moving to canada to be with him. it took a lot of thought and communication to plan it out with moving. it was hard but we found what worked best for both of us on our own and together.

    i hope that helps. good luck!!

  • Lovely post again! And I’m probably not the best person to give this sort of advice, but my friend and her boyfriend were like that. we live here in washington, and her dream school was in louisana, but it’s something she really really wanted. They did end up breaking up when she left though. But if it were me, I would apply there to that school anyway, and see where it goes from there. who knows, if you get it, he might change his mind and want to go with you, if not, well you can cross that bridge when you come to it. this is your education, and it seems like you wouldn’t be moving to ohio just to be with your best friend. honestly, i wish i had had the chance to go to college, but i didn’t. good luck! :) rec’d :)

  • @itisfinished1930 - @blondexsunshine -  Thank you both so much, I really appreciate both of your advice!

  • Awesome post <3 I think you should go to the school you want to, I mean if you can find a school where he wants to move then you can go there but I wouldn’t drop it just to be with him. Ya know what I mean? And if you want to go to Ohio you guys can totally do the long distance thing. Hope that helps <3 good luck!

  • Loved your post, the german shepherd puppy picture literally made me squeal I love german shepherd puppies they are the CUTEST! As far as advice goes…I’ve been going to school six hours away from my boyfriend. I literally started dating him 2 days before my first day of my Freshman year in college and we’ve been dating a little bit over 3 years, so who ever says long distance doesn’t work can suck it. Go to the school you want to go to, if he loved you enough he would want you to go for it. It’s your education, go for what you really want. I’m a senior in college, and next semester I’m switching my major and going to a different school because I always listened to what other people wanted from me and not myself, so I’m finally taking my own advice and I’m going for it and completely starting over. So go for it Don’t you want a job that is going to make you happy? Plus, it’s only two years until you get your degree and haven’t your two years gone by really fast already?! Also, if you and your boyfriend ended up not working out you would kick yourself in the ass for not following your passion. So, if you and your man can do the long distance, go for it! Do what makes you happy :) with technology these days long distance isn’t soooo bad. Hope this helps, good luck chicka!

  • ahh thank you! i accepted you on facebook! you sure are pretty btw! ♥

  • I really liked this post! Good luck with your long distance relationship. Just remember you are most important! love your quotes :)

  • Thanks! Love that gif of that cat being dragged. That’s my little dog when he’s too tried to walk anymore expect it kind of makes it hard for you to move him :)

  • “The moment you know you don’t need a man to make everything in your life complete is the same moment that God says “it’s time to meet him.” my favorite quote on here. This post is AMAZING!!! LOVED it.
    As for the bf & education issue i think you should go to school where you want. If you guys truly love each other the long distance can actually work!! I know because i’ve been in a LDR because of the same reason & the little time you get to spend together reminds you of how AMAZING that person is & distance is never an issue <3 good lucky!!

  • i’m not the best person to give advice… but i’ll try. i think you should go to the school that is best for you. if your boyfriend wanted to do something for him, you would support him in all his endevours…. i think that will resonate witht the school issue. good luck, love.
    lovely post, also :)

  • all i can tell you is to pray and God will give you an answer and lead you where you’re suppose to be. i wish i could tell you more, but prayer will give you guidance and help. loveee this post and most def rec’d!! <3

  • go to ohio, cause if you don’t go after your dreams and then in a few years you and your boyfriend break up, you will greatly regret not going, and resent him. if he really loves you, you guys can make it work.

  • Hey,
    Amazing update as always. Never fails to have the best quotes & pictures! I’m a firm believer in my own future. I wouldn’t let anyone stop me from becoming a better person, or stop me from getting where I want and/or need to be. So, my advice to you is to go to Ohio. If he doesn’t want to go he doesn’t have too. But why should you be the one to make the decision of living near him? Why can’t he live near you? If your relationship is strong then distance won’t matter AS MUCH. Obviously distance will matter and it might strain but so do muscles when you work out hard, in the end a little protien will make it better. A little love can go alonggg way. Do what you got to do because if you don’t in the long run you’ll regret it. Don’t put your life on hold, even if for a bit, trust me I’m feeling the strain of that decision making right now. Hope it all works out.


  • Amazing post!!

    Honestly, go where you want to go. If you and your bf are meant to be, then you guys will make it through the distance and you can live together after but if you have dreams and you have passion for something, don’t let anything get in your way. Honestly. Good luck!! <3

  • Cute post & about you and your boyfriend. Distance does make love stronger. I was in a long distance relationship for like four years. We were on different sides of the country and made it work. Don’t regret nOt going to the school you wanted because you don’t wanna be away from your boyfriend.

  • I totally loved this. The quotes about long distance relationships and things were great. Rec’d<3

  • great post woman love all the pictures and quotes keep it up!

  • It’s a really horrible situation when you feel like you have to choose. But if you really want to go to Ohio and feel like you would be happy there, I think you should jump at the chance. Do you think you and your boyfriend could handle long distance? A lot of people say it never works, but me & my boyfriend made it work when i was away at college. We would visit eachother as often as we could and if anything, it made our relationship stronger and it got me through the week knowing I could see him on the weekend. But I also had the freedom to do whatever I wanted when he wasn’t around. It doesn’t work for everyone, but I am a firm believer that it CAN work. Another thing I would say, that sounds as cheesy as hell but has always worked for me – what does your heart, and your gut, tell you? Never underestimate the power of these things, they just need to be listened to more often. Good luck hun :) & beautiful post, as always!

  • Loved the quotes <33 recd

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